52 MOSNA, E.E.D.; OLIVEIRA, M.A.M.; JOÃO, M.C.A. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2025. Reproductive potential of the endangered land crab, Johngarthia lagostoma (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) (Brachyura: Gecarcinidae), from Trindade Island, Brazil. Nauplius, 33: e20250549.
52 MODENESI, L.; KRIEGLER, N.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2024. Homochely in males of Minuca vocator (Herbst, 1804) (Brachyura: Ocypodidae: Gelasiminae). Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha, 13: e2024005. DOI:
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; DIAS-SILVA, I.; KRIEGLER, N.; SANTANA, W. & JOÃO, M.C.A. 2024. Beneath the surface: co-habitation of recruits of the land crab Johngarthia lagostoma and its relevance for conservation on oceanic islands. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 104: e102. DOI:
52 WUNDERLICH, A.C.; MOSNA, E.E.D. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2024. Temporal changes in streamflow can predict parasitism levels in freshwater prawns better than host traits. Freshwater Biology, 69: 1871-1884. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.14348
52 JOÃO, M.C.A.; KRIEGLER, N.; HERNÁEZ, P. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2024. Progressive chelar polymorphism in the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) from the south-western Atlantic. Crustacena, 97(5-9): 1095–1114.
52 JOÃO, M. C. A.; DUARTE, R. C.; FREIRE, A. S.; KRIEGLER, N. & PINHEIRO, M. A. A. 2024. Population biology of the endangered land crab Johngarthia lagostoma (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) in Trindade Island, Brazil: Identifying crucial areas for future conservation strategies. Marine Ecology, 45: e12778.
52 MOSNA, E.E.D.; JOÃO, M.C.A.; HERNÁEZ, P.; FERREIRA, L.A.A.; NOORI, A. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2023. Population biology of the porcelain crab Pachycheles laevidactylus Ortmann, 1892 (Anomura: porcellanidae) in the Southwestern Atlantic. Invertebrate, Reproduction and Development, 67(3–4): 79–91
52 JOÃO, M.C.A.; DUARTE, R.C.; FREIRE, A.S. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2023. Intraspecific color diversity and camouflage associated with ontogeny in an insular land crab. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77: 120. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-023-03394-8
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; SOUZA, F.V.B.; PERROCA, J.F.; SILVA, M.M.T.; SOUSA, R.L.M.; MOTA, T.A. & ROCHA, S.S. 2023. Advances in population monitoring of the mangrove ‘uçá’-crab (Ucides cordatus): reduction of body size variance for better evaluation of population structure and extractive potential. Marine Biology Research, 19(2-3): 141-153. DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2023.2205148.
52 MOTA, T.A.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A., EVANGELISTA-BARRETO, N.S. & ROCHA, S.S. 2023. Density and extractive potential of “uçá”-crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in mangroves of the “Todos os Santos” Bay, Bahia, Brazil. Fisheries Research, 265: 106733.
52 ADAM, M.L.; TORRES, R.A.; BOOS, H. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2023. Espécies sentinelas: Monitoramento Ambiental com base em biomarcadores de efeito cito- e genotóxico. Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha, 12: e2023002. DOI:
52 STANSKI, G.; BOOS, H. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2022. Animais Marinhos Exóticos Invasores no Sul do Brasil. Revista CEPSUL - Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha, 11: e2022002.
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; SOUZA, F.V.B.; Boos, H. & DUARTE, L.F.A. 2022. Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and impact on populations of the mangrove sentinel species, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura, Ocypodidae) after an environmental disaster at Cubatão, São Paulo, Brazil. Nauplius 30: e2022025.
52 HERNÁEZ, P.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; ALVES-JUNIOR, F.A. & SANTANA, W. 2022. Intertidal burrowing shrimps (Axiidea: Callianassidae, Callichiridae; Gebiidea: Axiannassidae, Upogebiidae) collected along the Brazilian coast. Marine Biology Research. DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2022.2105893.
52 JOÃO, M.C.A.; DUARTE, R.C.; SILVA, L.S.B.; FREIRE, A.S. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2022. Sexual Maturity of an Endemic Insular Land Crab: Priority Information toward the Conservation of Johngarthia lagostoma. The Biological Bulletin, 243(1): 14-27.
52 HERNÁEZ, P.; MIRANDA, M.S.; RIO, J.P.P. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A., 2022. A new Callichirus ghost shrimp species from the south-western Atlantic, long confounded with C. major (Say, 1818)(Decapoda: Axiidea: Callichiridae). Journal of Natural History, 56: 533-563.
52 SOUZA, F.V.B. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2022. Biology, trophic chain, and ethnobiological calendar of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura, Ocypodidae), according to the perception of catchers in Itanhaém, São Paulo, Brazil. Nauplius, 30: e2022017.
52 SOUZA, C.A.; DUARTE, L.F.A.; ZANOTTO, F.P.; ORTEGA, P.; MOREIRA, R.G. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2022. Seasonal effect on biomarker responses in sentinel species: innovation in mangrove conservation status assessment. Environ. Monit. Assess., 194: 425.
52 HERNÁEZ, P.; MUGNAI, R.; SOUZA-FILHO, J.F. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2022. Monogamy in the burrowing shrimp Axianassa australis Rodrigues & Shimizu, 1992 (Decapoda, Gebiidea, Axianassidae). The Biological Bulletin, 242(2): 000–000.
52 SANTOS, L.C.M.; BOOS, H.; SANO, E.E.; Freitas, D.M. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2022. Management and conservation of the land crab Cardisoma guanhumi (Crustacea: Gecarcinidae) based on environmental and fishery factors: a case study in Brazil. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 30: 389-403.
52 JOÃO, M.A.A.; SÁ, H.S.; GADIG, O.B.F.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A. & TALAMONI, A.C.B. 2022. Coleções Zoológicas Didáticas: Uma Ferramenta para a Conservação da Biodiversidade Costeira. Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental, 17(1): 229-246.
52 JOÃO, M.C.A.; KRIEGLER, N.; FREIRE, A.S. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2021. Mating strategies of the endangered insular land crab Johngarthia lagostoma (H. Milne Edwards, 1837). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 65(4): 256-267.
52 AHMADI, M.; NOORI, A.; NEITALI, B.K. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2021. Relative growth and sexual dimorphism in the hermit crab Clibanarius signatus Heller, 1861 (Anomura, Diogenidae) from the northern coast of the Persian Gulf, Iran. Acta Zoologica, 104: 176-184.
52 SOUZA, F.V.B. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2021. Local ecological knowledge (LEK) on the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763): Fishery profile of mangrove areas in Itanhaém (Southeast Brazil). Ethnoscientia, 6(3): 15-42.
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; KRIEGLER, N.; SOUZA, C.A. & DUARTE, L.F.A. 2021. Feeding habit and lifestyle influence the baseline micronuclei frequency of crab species in pristine mangroves. Wetlands, 41: 30.
52 SOUZA, F.V.B., PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2020. Percepções ambientais e socioeconômicas acerca da extração do caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) no Sistema Estuarino de Itanhaém (SE Brasil): contribuições à conservação e ao manejo. Revista Brasileira de Meio Ambiente, 8(4): 175-195.
52 FALCÃO, C.B.R.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; TORRES, R.A. & ADAM, M.L. 2020. Spatial-temporal genome damaging in the blue crab Cardisoma guanhumi as ecological indicators for monitoring tropical estuaries. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156: 111232.
52 RIO, J.P.P.; HERNÁEZ, P. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2019. Relative growth, sexual maturity and handedness in the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Decapoda: Callianassidae) from the southwestern Atlantic. Scientia Marina, 83(2): 167-175.
52 HERNÁEZ, P.; HEREMAN, M.J.; PIMENTA, C.E.; RIO, J.P.P.; JOÃO, M.C.A. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2019. La efectividad de una ley de protección al servicio de la conservación de un recurso marino: El ejemplo del camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Decapoda, Callianassidae) de la costa de Brasil. Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 109: e2019001.
52 LIMA, A.R.B.; TORRES, R.A.; JACOBINA, U.P.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A. & ADAM, M.L. 2019. Genomic damage in Mugil curema (Actinopterygii: Mugilidae) reveals the effects of intense urbanization on estuaries in northeastern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138: 63-69.
52 JOÃO, M.C.A. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2019. Reproductive potential of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) from two mangrove areas subject to different levels of contaminants. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 39(1): 74-81. doi:10.1093/jcbiol/ruy087
52 HERNÁEZ, P.; VILLEGAS-CASTRO, E.; DUARTE, R.C. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2018. Population biology and breeding cycle of the burrowing shrimp Callichirus seilacheri (Decapoda, Callianassidae) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 66(2): 88-99.
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; SOUZA, M.R.; SANTOS, L.C.M. & FONTES, R.F.C., 2018. Density, abundance and extractive potential of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura, Ocypodidae): subsidies for fishery management. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 90(2): 1381-1395.
52 MACHADO, I.C.; PICCOLO, N.; BARROS, M.R.; MATSUNAGA, A.M.F. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2018. The capture of the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) in the estuarine system of Santos-São Vicente: Ethnoecology of the fishermen from Vila dos Pescadores, Cubatão (SP), Brazil. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, 44(2): e257.
52 HERNÁEZ, P.; GRANDA-RODRÍGUEZ, H.; RIO, J.P.P. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2018. Morphological remarks in the ghost shrimp Callichirus seilacheri (Bott, 1955) (Decapoda, Callianassidae). Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, 44: 91-99.
52 DUARTE, L.F.; SOUZA, C.A.; PEREIRA, C.D.S. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2017. Metal toxicity assessment by sentinel species of mangroves: In situ case study integrating chemical and biomarkers analyses. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 145: 367–376. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.07.051
52 WUNDERLICH, A.C.; CARMONA-SUÁREZ, C.A. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2017. New records of the isopod Leidya distorta infesting the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus from South America. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, 43: 283-290.DOI: 10.20950/1678-2305.2017v43n2p283
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; JOÃO, M.C.A.; LEME, M.H.A.; MATSUNAGA, A.M.F.; RIO, J.P.P. & HERNÁEZ, P. 2017. Insights of the life history in the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes armatus (Gibbes, 1850) (Crustacea: Anomura: Porcellanidae) from the Southwestern Atlantic coast. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 61(2): 78-89. DOI: 10.1080/07924259.2017.1285818.
52 BANCI, K.R.S.; MORI, G.M.; OLIVEIRA, M.A.; PAGANELLI, F.L.; PEREIRA, M.R. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2017. Can environmental pollution by metals change genetic diversity? Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) as a study case in Southeastern Brazilian mangroves. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116: 440-447. (
52 SANTOS, L.C.M.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; DAHDOUGH-GUEBAS, F. & BITENCOURT, M.D. 2016. Population status and fishery potential of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) in North-eastern Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom: 1-11. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315416001259.
52 SANTOS, L.C.M.; ROLLO-JÚNIOR, M.M.; COSTA, T.M.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; DAHDOUH-GUEBAS, F. & BITENCOURT, M.D. 2016. Spatial Analysis of a Coastal Area for Conservation and Fishery of Mangrove Edible Crab (Ucides cordatus). Journal of Coastal Research, SI(75): 685-689. DOI: 10.2112/SI75-137.1
52 ORTEGA, P.; VITORINO, H.A.; MOREIRA, R.G.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; ALMEIDA, A.A.; CUSTÓDIO, M.R. & ZANOTTO, F.P. 2016. Physiological differences in the crab Ucides cordatus from two populations inhabiting mangroves with different levels of cadmium contamination. Environmental Toxicology. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3537
52 SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, Y.; SORIANO-SIERRA, E.J.; VALE, C.C.; BERNINI, E.; ROVAI, A.S.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; SCHMIDT, A.J.; ALMEIDA, R. COELHO-JR., C.; MENGHINI, R.P.; MARTINEZ, D.I.; ABUCHAHLA, G.M.O.; CUNHA-LIGNON, M.; CHARLIER-SARUBO, S.; SHIRAZAWA-FREITAS, J. CINTRÓN, G. 2016. Climate changes in mangrove forests and salt marshes. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 64(sp.2): 37-52
52 DUARTE, L.F.A.; SOUZA, C.A.; NOBRE, C.R.; PEREIRA, C.D. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2016. Multi-level biological responses in Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura, Ucididae), as indicators of conservation status in mangrove areas from the Western Atlantic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 133: 176-187.
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A. & PARDAL-SOUZA, A.L. 2016. Historical background of the population biology of the swimming crab Arenaeus cribrarius ( Crustacea: Portunidae ) in the Ubatuba coast, Southeast Brazil. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, 42(2): 419-429. Doi: 10.20950/1678-2305.2016v42n2p419.
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; ALVES, C.B.M.; BOOS, H.; DI DARIO, F.; FIGUEIREDO, C.A.; FRÉDOU, F.L.; LESSA, R.P.T.; MINCARONE, M.M.; POLAZ, C.N.M.; REIS, R.E.; ROCHA, L.A.; SANTOS, R.A.; SANTOS, S.B.; VIANNA, M. & VIEIRA, F. 2015. Conservar a fauna aquática para garantir a produção pesqueira. Ciência e Cultura, 67(3): 56-59.
52 MORAES, E.E.B.; NUNESMAIA, B.J.B. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2015. Population biology of ‘uçá’-crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Brachyura: Ucididae), in mangroves of the Joanes River, Bahia state, Brazil. Nauplius, 23(1): 59-71.
52 NOORI, A.; MOGHADDAM, P.; KAMRANI, E.; AKBARZADEH, A.; NEITALI, B.K. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2015. Condition factor and carapace width versus wet weight relationship in the blue swimming crab Portunus segnis. Animal Biology, 65(2): 87-99 (DOI 10.1163/15707563-00002463).
52 PINTO, A.B.; PAGNOCCA, F.C.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; FONTES, R.F.C. & OLIVEIRA, A.J.F.C. 2015. Heavy metals and TPH effects on microbial abundance and diversity in two estuarine areas of the southern-central coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 96: 410-417.
52 PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; SOUZA, C.A. & BORBA, H. 2015. Meat yield of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ucididae). Boletim do Instituto Pesca, 41(1): 43-56.
52 DI DARIO, F.; ALVES, C.B.M.; BOOS, H.; FRÉDOU, F.L.; LESSA, R.P.T.; MINCARONE, M.M.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A.; POLAZ, C.N.M.; REIS, R.E.; ROCHA, L.A.; SANTANA, F.M.; SANTOS, R.A.; SANTOS, S.B.; VIANNA, M. & VIEIRA, F. 2015. A better way forward for Brazil’s fisheries. Science, 347(6226): 1079.
52 LEME, M.H.A.; SOARES, V.S. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2014. Population dynamics of the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii (Brachyura: Sesarmidae) in the estuarine complex of Cananéia-Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 9(4): 259-266.
52 DUARTE, L.F.A.; SEVERINO-RODRIGUES, E.; PINHEIRO, M.A.A. & GASALLA, M.A. 2014. Slipper lobster (Crustacea, Decapoda, Scyllaridae) fisheries off the southeastern coast of Brazil. II. Relative growth, population structure and reproductive biology. Fishery Research, 113(1): 55-68.
52 DUARTE, M.R.; GARRONE-NETO, D.; VASKE-JR, T. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2014. Predation on the sleeper goby, Guavina guavina (Perciformes, Eleotridae), by the military ground snake, Erythrolamprus miliaris orinus (Serpentes, Dipsadidae), in a mangrove area of Southeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes, 7: 577-580.
52 DUARTE, L.F.A.; DURAN, R.S.; MENDONÇA, J.T. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2014. Fishery for the uçá crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) in a mangrove area in Cananéia, State of São Paulo, Brazil: Fishery performance, exploitation patterns and factors affecting the catches. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 62(3): 187-199.
52 SANT´ANNA, B.S.; BORGES, R.P.; HATTORI, G.Y. & PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2014. Reproduction and management of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ucididae) at Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 86(3): 63-73.
52 VIEIRA, R.R.R.; RIEGER, P.J.; CICHOWSKI, V. e PINHEIRO, M.A.A. 2013.. Juvenile development of Dilocarcinus Pagei Stimpson, 1861 (Brachyura, Trichodactylidae) reared in the laboratory, with emphasis on setae morphology. Crustacean 86 (16-14) 1644-1663 (DOI:10.1163/15685403-00003247).

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